
The case remains true with the Wholesale Cheap Handbags

Winter has not yet arrived and resort bags are hitting the market. One major way to know we are looking at a resort bag is when it is made out of straw. Straw is quintessentially resort/spring material and I have yet to own a straw bag or find a straw bag worth purchasing. The case remains true with the Wholesale Cheap Handbags. The design stems from the popular Fendi Vintage Leather Twins Tote, but takes a fresh look with the straw body. Let’s get into the details.

If we took out the exorbitant price tag, a whopping $2,560, we can sort of start off with a clean slate. We have a simple tote design with leather trim and a straw body. Straw is great for Resort and Spring, it automatically makes me think of the beach, but I simply do not care to own a straw bag. The rectangular pattern created with the Replica Handbag. Then we have the logo details at the bottom of each top handle. So we are doing ok.

Then there is an adjustable shoulder strap, which is always a nice addition. Then again, the large dimensions (16″W X 11?”H X 6″D) are not ideal to be hanging this bag from your body. Overall I am feeling uninspired. And while I tried to take out the price tag when reviewing this bag, I simply could not. Because really, who wants to pay over $2,500 for a straw tote? The name may be Fendi but it is nothing other than an expensive seasonal bag that nearly everyone I know will pass on. Buy through Saks for $2,560.

